Hermetic Astrology traced its route from the stellar wisdom of the ancients.
It is founded on a very solid foundation and a linage that is never broken. Hermetic Astrology has contributed to clearing the doubts on whether astrology is a science or not. It is a science because it is a systematic exploration of the natural world, and like the scientific process, it attempts to discover reliable and predictable patterns. For its credibility, it adopts and applies the principle of “Occam’s Razor” which states: ‘assumptions introduced to explain a thing must not exceed that which is necessary.’ In the church of light laboratory, thousands of proven experiments have been conducted and others are ongoing to avail facts as life continues. Science is based on experimental research. Through her laboratory, she has exceedingly demonstrated to the world of science that astrology is not just a mere art but science that has won the test of time on scientific research or developments that authenticate astrological facts. The Church of Light has developed ‘Astrodynes’ which has assisted in determining the powers of planets, signs, and houses in a chart. It has established and solved the problem of the scientific reading of a chart and the impact on the individual. She has since 1924 solicited for data and since then has collected, erected, and progressed according to the Hermetic system many thousands of birth charts to the time of some given events.
The Hermetic System of presenting astrological facts has never been different since the days of Atlantis and Mu. The Brotherhood of light has been the custodian of the system to date. When it appeared to have shut down in those ancient lands, it still gained its routes following the rise of Egypt, India, Crete, Peru, Mexico, China, and Chaldea – the seven ancient centers of civilization, and was brought to our common era by the religion of the stars – the Brotherhood of Light. Though modified by the characteristics of the people whose hands it passed, significantly has reached us today, Chaldean having precession in predictions of the nature and time of events, utilizing the Anu-Enlil series of observations, which went unbroken for over a thousand years in which the events were recorded with the astrological positions that coincided with them. The system was adopted in 1902 after C. C. Zain had tried out other systems in common usage at the time, but found it to be the most effective and most reliable system of astrology. It has also been tested by a vast number of astrologers throughout the world and confirmed to be the most prolific and consistent inaccuracy.
We do not need to worry anymore about astrology facts considering the enormous work done on this, except for verifying these facts, and when we do, stick to the system to benefit ourselves and others.
This knowledge is power, and can be convinced only when it’s applied.
Dr. Ebri Willie