The greatest wonders and achievements of history have been actualized by the awareness and application of the wisdom of astrology revelations. If there is any truth of life and of nature’s phenomenon that has been told to man, it is that delivered through astrology. It has opened doors to seekers and scientist of the world who continue to benefit through the persistent researches, counting thousands of them, done by the various systems of astrology; Vedic, Hellenistic, and most credibly the hermetic astrology which has its authentic linage to our day through the Brotherhood of light. Anyone who will take the patience to erect a birth chart, is soon to prove to himself that the ancients provided an accurate and authentic inspired wisdom for our benefit today. Such truth is so potent, amazing, and capable of transforming it’s bearers with the science that enabled them build the pyramid of Gaza in Egypt. No wonder such attainments, like that of Alexander, Plato, and Pythagoras, to mention but a few, were scorned at by jealous kings, who would send their soldiers to break open their temples in the search of such wisdom. Even when they could find a little of it from their compilations of books, it never lasted with them because, there is more in just eating for the taste of the pudding, than the rules in which it has been prepared. So it is that, a stranger never gets to know the Lord Song until he has surrendered himself completely to his creator, will such be revealed to him. Therefore, the kings would only need to pay so much a price to have the bearers of this wisdom interpret the mysteries they seek to know – like the biblical Joseph who saved the king and his people from famine. This knowledge which is scoffed at by the abysmal ignorance of the parrot schools who instead of taking the rules laid down by the ancients, and the approved methods of experiential science, but intolerance does battle with them by appealing to prejudice. Let’s be free from the prejudice now and rather seek knowledge. Starslightheal Astrology is ready to help.
Dr. Ebri Willie