The natural environment we live in, has within it, the solutions to every problem sort by man, though seemingly unrealistic from the perspective of ignorance.

Man is often in search for answers or solutions to issues of life in the oblivion, when within himself lies the solutions which he has allowed to be veiled by materialistic orientation. The earlier we realize this, are we in place to be assisted by spirit to tap from our inner potencies, because nothing speaks the truth better about life than the ‘Book of Nature’.  This book of nature is of course the natural world around us, and if there is a Creator of this world, apparently, the world will bear the marks of the creator. Therefore, if we wish to draw from the abundance of creation, we then must enthusiastically study Nature’s Laws, for proper understanding of the hidden secrets that lie within it. This is revealed in the sacred Hermetic Axiom; “as above so below”.

It was in spying nature’s wealth centuries ago that Shepherds in the field began studying the stars and nature’s amazing wonders to determine the times and seasons, and to find out how these phenomenon impacted on lives. The map in the constellations and the symbolism in signs and planets that orbit the zodiac foretold the events that they learnt from, and could pummel themselves for necessary adjustment upon subsequent development. So it is today that, our forefathers far back could gaze at the Sun and tell the time of the day, though without wristwatches and could predict the weather, determine from the Sun, Moon and Stars what time of the year it was to hold certain festivals and rituals. How soon have we forgotten this, to not realize such profound wisdom? We have failed to ask the questions of how this was possible. This knowledge has been there and is still here, it is ‘Astrology’ which may have been called, ‘the oracle of the stars’ or similar such names at their time.

Today, to some people, Astrology sounds rather a pseudo-science or fortune telling just to scorn at it, but within it lies the science and art of living a life reflective of the creator that many do not known. It is by it, ‘Nature’s Laws’ are revealed and can be applied for a progressive life here and thereafter. If you challenge yourself of this study, you will realize that, it preserves its scholars alive from wondering about. However, not many persons love challenges, though some are even at their best with it. Notwithstanding, what is trigging about nature’s laws is that which spells the dynamic transmission process to all lives, which makes every physical thing have its physical end following the laws of unceasing progression and, more baffling, its methodology of stamping eternity along the pathway of invisibility, through transmutation. It’s only by this means can man subjugate his external environment to enjoy its opportunities if he so desires. This statement is amplified by C. C. Zain when he stated, I quote: “He who is ignorant of the law of his body incurs illness, He who is ignorant of the law governing acquisition remains in poverty, He who is ignorant of his land is likely to be deprived of his liberty”.

Astrology complies with natural laws which are based on spiritual principles found in the book of nature (our natural world) and only through the knowledge of these laws can man mold his inner and outer environment to enjoy life. But while yet on earth, he incurs maladies that follow him beyond the tomb. We welcome you to our Sunday symposium for more details on this topic and the much more you may wish know from us. Click on the link here to register for this interactive program through zoom.

Dr. Ebri E. Willie

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