The physiological nature of man demands that, he exercises the body on regular basis for it to perform maximally at all times. When we talk about an efficient and functional body, we mean the human vital organs, without which there is no life. They include the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, the larynx etc. If all these organs are exercised properly, they function optimally to provide good health, such that, even when hit by severe pains, stress, anxiety, depression, or any form of illness, the body has enough energy within it to combat the illness or to align its chemistry in favour of the body. You may not need drugs in some cases to get well, but by just allowing nature take its course through the energies built within from exercises, you recuperate. So, the responsibility of everyone who desires good health is to ensure a consistent activation of the body organs by means of exercises. 

In fact, one of the strong Astro-medical pillars to health is that of exercising the body to keep it active, healthy and fit for any given task, especially activities bordering on universal welfare. It is also a well-known fact, even within the context of all religions, that chemical and material sciences alone, do not satisfy man’s needs for good health. Ancient Chine and India, even to date, see products of chemical and material sciences as secondary alternatives to health. They had developed very advanced natural sciences ranging from yoga, tai chi, qigong, acupressure, crystals, and acupuncture, to sound-healing techniques for health. These natural sciences combine both natural medicines and exercises for building good health, which modern or orthodox health science is yet to catch up with. For example, with just a stick of matches and a natural substance, a Chinese traditional doctor can pull off a tooth from the mouth of a patient in severe tooth pains and will activate a quick response to recovery. This is done with less or no pains at all to the individual during the operation. So it is with several other operations they carry out too. But with orthodox doctors and practice, several surgery knifes with anesthesia will need to be applied, which go with serious and elongated pains before recovery. 

Another example is that of B.K.S Iyenga of India, who suffered severe tuberculosis and a couple of other illnesses that almost took his life. His persistent intake of orthodox medicines could not cure him, and when it was confirmed that he had a short time to live because of these ailments, he opted for the science of yoga exercises through which he eventually was cured by an Indian Yoga master who happen to be his in-law. It was the efficacy of this treatment that finally convinced him to follow the path of yoga till he became a Yoga master as well, using Yoga to cure so many illnesses. He died at the age of over a hundred years. His disciples are everywhere in Europe till date, helping people recuperate from chronic illnesses with yoga practices.

Tai chi has equally been proven to be very effective for chronic health issues. According to Julie Corliss, the executive editor of Harvard Heart Letter, whose mother suffered from osteoporosis and had a heart valve replacement; “I practiced tai chi with my 83 year old mother at the senior center near her home. The hour-long class help me realize why this flowing, meditative practice is an ideal exercise for older people with health issues” we could go on and on to mention a thousand more cases and the benefits derivable from these exercises to no end.     

Going by the above examples, it can only be interesting to recommend here, these exercises to everyone because they resonate with nature. The Chines had learnt them through the observation of the natural surroundings and the creatures around them, that in kicking for their survival and development, applied natural technics which in regular usage helped them gain strong health. These technics and forms were carefully studied by the sages who then structured them to various exercises that they practiced. They experienced wonderful health outcomes and benefits from the exercises and deemed it very necessary to preserve the great wisdom for the benefits of our health. Research reveals that these sages spent thousands of years in the study, practice, experience, and continuous observation of these natural practices for the purpose of possible adjustment where necessary, till authenticated perfect for use. They had developed numerous patterns or styles of exercises which they progressively practiced and trained followers, with the aim to inculcate the practices in the lives of the future generations, up to our time. As stated above, these exercises are; Yoga, Tai chi, Qigong, meditation, and the breathing that accompany them. In no way are these exercises comparable with other physical exercises practiced by man today. 

Note that, other than these exercises, all other physical exercises are a function of the outer-plane energies which conform with physical laws and are quite different from those of Yoga, Qigong, Tai chi, meditation and breathing, which have inner-plane intelligence and are done in reverence to inner-plane energies that conform with inner-plane laws, which have the velocity exceeding light, as against physical laws. With such velocity, they influence both animate and inanimate things through the non-physical laws which may be observed, not by theory, but by how things actually reach out to different types of inner plane weather. Truly, these exercises have been used by sages and even by current teachers to cure chronic ailments especially those that come in psychic means to man. Because they are designed for building the organs and keeping them active at all times, they assist in blood circulation within the body, thus, keeping the immune system very active to fight any diseases. So, never give up on your health problem until you have tried any or all of these forms of treatment. 

These exercises are easy to learn and can be done by both the young and old, in the comfort of your home. When you register with us to be trained, we will work with you through Zoom platform. You may opt to join us in any of our practice locations, which on registration, is communicated to you, stating the time as well. We welcome and encourage you to give yourself the love you deserve by means of these life prolonging exercises.  Register with us in any of these exercises; Yoga, Qigong, Tai chi, and meditation to learn and practice with our team on regular basis for a marvelous and nourishing health. You will have adequate sleep, free from pains and organ failure, stress relieve, addiction, depression, and a relaxed peace of mind. All of these and more, are the benefits you will get for participating in one or more of these exercises with us. Clink on the link here to register:                        

We have been working seriously to produce a series of these exercises through YouTube from where you can learn the forms or styles. You will be informed as soon as we finish production by late January 2023, is why you have not heard from us for a couple of months ago. Sorry, we are fully back to serve you better.

Thanks a lot.

In Light and service. 

Dr. Ebri Willie

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