About Dr. Ebri

I am ingenious, with a positive look on life. A character of strong will and determination, have high capacity for work, very articulate, striking ability of setting tasks and programming of objectives and self-confident.

I have 10 years working experience in Lafarge Cement PLC, as Logistics/Procurement manager, and as a Strategic Sourcing Executive. Have also practiced privately as a tax and certified public accountant for over 6 years. 4 years’ experience and ongoing, in Arthur Jarvis University as lecturer, and have served in the capacity of the Dean of faculty of humanities, management and social sciences. Currently, while still lecturing in the university, I’ve chosen to settle for astrology practice in service to life. I am an Astrologer. I love Astrology and seek to blend my wealth of experience in the behavioral/psychological aspects I lecture in school and with those I have met and those yet to meet, that I perceive have strong yearning for the facts of life, which Astrology might provide an answer.

Born from a very religious background, I love nature and treasure its ambiance, which has led me to seek and ponder over the intelligences of all its life forms as beautifully created by the master intellect. I have been continually drawn by its phenomenon, which for me, gives the greatest happiness. I’ve had tremendous life experience which the pages here wouldn’t contain, but to state so far, had urged me to seek interest in astrology.   

My interest in astrology began when beclouded with the puzzles of life and my quest for answers. I was searching for something that could fill the gap in my mind, on issues bordering on spirituality. In my search, I had read a lot of books and have browsed through several websites from where I felt, could be found such missing information. Nothing struck me at all from the websites nor the readings I had made, until one day, a page popped up, from where I was redirected to the Church of Light website. And because this came unimagined, l took it seriously, and read through the site to grasp as much as possible, a better understanding of the organization. My attention was drawn to every letter on the site including every content on its menu. I found it amazing and was excited as I studied along. It took me a couple of weeks, comparing the information therein, with the other organizations I had read about earlier. It was then I focused attention and commenced the study on Hermetic Astrology with the Church of Light. The church of light lessons are so thoroughly packaged by C. C. Zain that a weary soul in search could come home with them. I found the missing wisdom I had craved for long. Here I am today with you, to share with you these profound wisdom.

Astrological Membership

  • American Federation of Astrologers 
  • Brotherhood of Light (Church of Light)


  • Ph.D in Business Administration from Charisma University, Tucks Caicos Island
  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, from Adekunle Ajasin University, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • PGD in Business studies, from Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria.